• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The CNIDH condemns the deadly attack perpetrated against the people of Vugizo in Gatumba


Dec 29, 2023

BUJUMBURA, December 29th (ABP) – The National Independent Commission of Human Rights (CNIDH) hosted a press conference on Thursday December 28, 2023 to demonstrate its position in relation to the deadly attack perpetrated on December 22, 2023 in the Vugizo sub-village of the Gatumba zone.

The CNIDH condemns this heinous crime and points out that life is sacred and that no one has the right to take it from anyone, regardless of the cause, declared Mr. Nimuraba while recalling that this attack took life of 20 people including 12 children, three women including two pregnant women, and five men including a policeman who had come to intervene. The same attack left 8 people injured.

The CNIDH appreciates the responsible attitude of the government which quickly took the lead to join with the relatives of the victims and was also actively involved in the dignified burial of the victims.

The CNIDH asks the government to use all means at its disposal to accelerate investigations with a view to identifying and bringing to justice the responsible and perpetrators of that despicable crime, without forgetting to continue to support the families of the victims.

That commission invites law enforcement and security forces to redouble their efforts to track down and dismantle those criminal groups, wherever they are. It recommends that the people be vigilant, denounce any suspicious person and collaborate with the security forces and the administration to help dismantle those gangs of criminals.

The CNIDH calls on civil society institutions and organizations to vigorously condemn those despicable acts and get involved so that those criminals are sought after, arrested and brought to justice. It calls on the countries of the sub-region and the international community to collaborate with the government of Burundi with a view to arresting and bringing to justice the actors and those responsible for those terrorist acts.

Thus, the CNIDH reiterated its deepest condolences to the bereaved families and wished a speedy recovery to the survivors.