• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Meeting of the provincial exchange group on Family Planning


Nov 24, 2023

CIBITOKE, November 24th (ABP) – With the aim of finding a solution to rapid population growth in order to align with the government’s vision of a “Burundi emerging in 2040, and developed in 2060”, a meeting of the group to discuss family planning (FP) was organized on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, at the headquarters of the Cibitoke province by the Twitezimbere association ASBL, in collaboration with the Provincial Health Bureau (BPS).

After the forum of exchange groups at the national level which took place in Bujumbura, on the results of the study on the availability of contraceptive products, their accessibility, and stock shortages, it was then an opportunity for the Cibitoke exchange group to comment on the forum’s recommendations and agree on related solutions.

For the Provincial Doctor in Cibitoke, Jean Claude Habiyaremye, the pace of population growth should worry everyone in Cibitoke. He commended the support of the Twitezimbere association towards the province, to remedy the situation. Thus, he encouraged the members of the FP exchange group to take the lead, within the framework of the “Multi-actor engagement for FP in Burundi” project. Administrative officials, health officials, faith leaders, civil society leaders, and journalists are invited to contribute as far as they are concerned to the implementation of those recommendations. He asked administrative officials to take the opportunity, in their meetings with the people, to include awareness messages for adherence to the PF and the fight against population growth.

As for the Chief of Staff in the office of the governor of the Cibitoke province, Anicet Saïdi, he called on the meeting participants made up of health officials, administrative officials, Church and civil society leaders, to work in synergy, with a view to raise awareness among everyone about joining FP, in order to reduce the rate of demography to three children per couple.