• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The behavior of farmers portends a good harvest for the current growing season


Nov 8, 2023

BUBANZA November 6th (ABP) – The director of the Provincial Office of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock, in Bubanza (north-west of Burundi), Emmanuel Ndikubaganwa, remains optimistic that the harvest, for the growing season in 2024, will be good especially for maize.

His hope is based on the good collaboration between farmers and agricultural technicians, visible in recent days. Another thing mentioned is the fact that the quantity of hybrid corn seeds, which was sold for that season, far exceeds that of last year’s A crop season, we learned on site.

He specified that for the growing season A 2024, the hybrid corn seeds, which were sold to farmers, were estimated at 45 tons, at the time when the quantity of selected seeds, which was sold, during the growing season A last year, did not exceed 25 tons.

And the area planned for corn cultivation is 4643 hectares, while the expected production is around 14,000 tons of maize. He also said that farmers in that province responded to the call for the pooling of arable land for corn cultivation. He gave the example of the Nyesiha, Kivyuka and Nyabikenke marshes, in Musigati commune, where sugar cane was planted, but currently, the owners have sown corn there which promises a good harvest.

Another thing that makes that director hope for a good harvest for the current season is the use of agricultural technicians by farmers and also intervenes, when necessary, he said. He is delighted that those farmers follow the injunctions received for plowing, sowing, fertilizing and others. Mr. Ndikubaganwa calls on farmers in that province to continue to respect the advice of agricultural and administrative technicians in their respective localities, with the aim of achieving the objective of expected production and even going beyond.