• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Government members hosted a public broadcast


Oct 9, 2023

GITEGA, October 9th (ABP) – Members of the government of Burundi hosted for the first time, on Friday October 6, 2023, a public program at the Ingoma stadium in Gitega (center of the country) in the presence of Prime Minister Mr. Gervais Ndirakobuca. This is within the framework of answering questions from the press and the people on all aspects of national life, a check by ABP revealed.

In his opening speech, the Prime Minister of the Republic indicated that peace and security reign throughout the national territory. To that end, he thanked everyone who gives body and soul to ensure the well-being of the people.

The Prime Minister also commended the willingness of the people to respond to the government’s appeal to practice irrigation during the dry season as well as the policy of permanent livestock stabling, which contributes to increasing production. He also encouraged the students to work rigorously by seriously following their studies, because, he said, they are the ones who will be executives of Burundi emerging in 2040 and developed in 2060. He calls on parents and educators to regularly monitor the upbringing of those children.

The Burundi Prime Minister called on the judges of the courts and tribunals to provide fair justice to all plaintiffs to avoid conflicts which often cause insecurity.

Taking the floor, the Minister of National Defense and Veterans, Alain Tribert Mutabazi, spoke about the measure of never wearing clothes that resemble military and police outfits. He also pointed out that taxes for those outfits will not be remitted to the sellers of those items, because, he said, the tax law does not provide for it.

                                                                                                                                         View of the Cabinet members

Concerning the water shortage and power cuts that are often frequent in towns, the Minister in charge of Energy, Ibrahim Uwizeye, indicated that this situation is caused by demand which is often strong following the expansion of towns and the deterioration of electricity transmission networks. As a proposed remedy to those problems, Minister Uwizeye indicated that it is a question of interesting private individuals to invest in those sectors and to rehabilitate the deteriorating electricity networks. He indeed pointed out that the supply of electricity from new dams is planned for December.

Regarding free healthcare for children under five and pregnant women, the Minister in charge of public health, Mrs. Liduine Baradahana, reminded the public that this program continues throughout the national territory, despite certain irregularities which are observed in certain hospitals which impose money on beneficiaries of that program.

On that subject, the Prime Minister warned those responsible for health facilities who report overcharging for services offered to children under five years old and pregnant women, specifying that they will be severely punished.

The Minister in charge of the Interior reacted to the Gatumba floods. He pointed out that the best solution is not to build a dike along the Rusizi River because, according to him, the problem lies in the rising waters of the lake. He indicated that the lasting solution would be to move the people of that locality to settle them in non-flooded areas.

Returning to the untimely rise in fuel prices, the Prime Minister indicated that, from now on, the rise in fuel prices will depend on its rise on the international market.

Concerning the digitalization of public services, the Minister in charge of communication, Mrs. Léocadie Ndacayisaba, reported that work is progressing normally and that the national digitalization plan and the action plan are already available.

As for the royalties required by the ARCT in foreign currency, Minister Ndacayisaba responded that those royalties are not paid in foreign currency, but in local currency at the exchange rate of the Bank of the Republic of Burundi (BRB).

To the question of power cuts at the Manga site which disrupt the broadcasts of various radio stations, Minister Ndacayisaba said that REGIDESO planned to rehabilitate the currently dilapidated power line.

In relation to the management of plots in urban areas, the minister in charge of infrastructure, Dieudonné Dukundane, specified that those who have plots and who have the documents are authorized to sell them with whomever they want, except for plots not developed.

                                                                                                                        View of journalists asking questions

Concerning the revaluation of retirees’ pensions, the minister in charge of the civil service and the minister for gender indicated that the INSS and the ONPR are in the process of getting organized. They indicated that the delay already recorded was caused by the large flow of retirees and the digitalization of data which is at 90%.

Concerning children in street situations, Minister Martin Niteretse announced that the government of Burundi has decided to take them off the street and transfer them this Monday to the center set up in Cankuzo to learn trades or have them return to school because, he added, these children are citizens and are entitled to a civic education taking into account that some of these children are starting to become criminals.

Concerning the question related to the release of careers for institutions with special bylaws, the Minister in charge of Finance, Audace Niyonzima, pointed out that most of the latter have already submitted data relating to the budgetary impacts to the ministry and that the latter has already transmitted them to the commission located at the prime minister’s office.

He further indicated that the ministry expects the remaining institutions to transmit their data to that commission shortly so that there are no further delays.

Minister Niyonzima reassured the public that there will be no delay and that this October; salaries will be paid in accordance with the decree on the release. Note that most of the people’s questions were oriented in the sector of justice.