• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The First Lady has received in audience the representative of UNFPA and Burundian singer Augustin Havyarimana


Aug 11, 2023

GITEGA August 11th (ABP) – Burundi First Lady Angéline Ndayishimiye received in audience, on Wednesday August 9, 2023, in the premises of the Umugiraneza Polyclinic of Kibimba in Giheta Commune, Gitega province (center of the country), the Representative Resident of the United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA, Mr. Judicaël Elidjé, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

At the end of the audience, Mr. Elidjé announced that he had come to congratulate the First Lady once more, for the award she has recently received from the UN, but also to inquire about the actions of the Umugiraneza Polyclinic, set up by the Bonne Action Umugiraneza Foundation, belonging to the First Lady. Mr. Elidjé said he was surprised by her efforts in taking care of the health of the people while using her own means.

                              Singer Havyarimana talks to the press after the audience

Mrs. Angéline Ndayishimiye, for her part, commended the meeting with the UNFPA representative. She said her foundation still needs the materials to serve women with obstetric fistula, as well as capacity building for clinic staff.

The First Lady also received in audience, Mr. Augustin Havyarimana, a Burundian singer, residing in the United States of America. The latter highlights Burundian culture through songs and wants to set up a radio station called Irebe Fm.