• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Cow horns, very useful objects


Aug 5, 2023

KAYANZA August 5th (ABP) – The Dushaze mw’ihembe cooperative manufacturing kitchen utensils, ornaments and decorative items from cow horns has made significant progress since its inception in 2015. The representative of that cooperative, Mr. Innocent Nyabenda, let it be known that they are sometimes overwhelmed by both national and international customers thanks to the improvement of their technique, a check by ABP has revealed.

According to Mr. Nyabenda, the “Dushaze mw’ihembe” cooperative did not initially have the means to manufacture different objects. But, he says, over time they were able to buy materials needed to make different items of 250 kinds. These include household and decorative plates, vases (small or large), goblets, coasters, earrings, bracelets, tablets, and other both ornamental and decorative objects. The representative of the Dushaze mw’ihembe cooperative is delighted that their objects are loved by their customers. He asks the competent authorities to multiply the fairs so that their cooperative and its products are known throughout the national territory.

Apart from the national market, he says that they have customers even abroad and that they are often overwhelmed by customers for lack of financial means. Here, Mr. Nyabenda testifies that they currently have orders from Canada, Côte d’Ivoire, the United States, France and Belgium. All this is thanks to the Burundian diaspora residing there, he specifies. It is worth noting that the Dushaze mw’ihembe cooperative carries out its work at the headquarters of Kayanza province with more than ten employees.