• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The spokespersons of the institutions of the Republic hosted a public broadcast


Apr 30, 2023

CIBITOKE April 27th (ABP) – The spokespersons of the institutions of the Republic of Burundi, hosted, Monday, April 24, the quarterly broadcast of the spokespersons of the institutions, in the headquarters of Cibitoke province.

That program began with a message of greeting from the President of the Republic to the population, announced by his spokesperson, Mrs. Rosine Guillène Gatoni, before questions from the journalists and those from the people being on the spot or calling by telephone who were answered by the spokespersons, each in their sector.

                                             View of spokespersons and participants in the public broadcast

According to Mrs. Gatoni, the Head of State is satisfied with the climate of peace and security that reigns throughout the country, and calls on all Burundian citizens to take advantage of it to go about their development activities.

Concerning the questions of the journalists, they asked for clarifications in particular on the arrest of the former Prime Minister, Alain Guillaume Bunyoni, the spokesman of the Supreme Court specified that he is detained within the National Intelligence Service.

On the question of different visions for the development of the country, the spokesperson for the Head of State called on the people to take ownership of all those visions and to contribute each on their own, to achieve that since they are complementary. Another question raised concerns the relocation of the BUCECO factory, to preserve the health of the people living nearby. On this issue, the spokesperson for the ministry in charge of trade, indicated that the issue is known to the ministry, and that we are looking for other suitable land, but also that other investors are beginning to invest in that sector. He asks the BUCECO factory to treat waste to prevent it from harming the health of the surrounding population. The spokesperson, Onésime Niyukuri called on the people to think first of all about their health, taking precautions before going to build in a place or at least seek the advice of an expert.

With regard to people’s issues, the bulk was related to land, among other issues handled by the CNTB, concerns about judgments handed down by one or other court, which meant that we recorded all those questions addressed to the Presidency of the Republic.

Other questions from the people include the reasons why the hill notables have not yet received their motivation.

The spokesman for the Ministry of Justice replied that the file is being analyzed, and that soon they will be restored to their rights.