• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Easter retreat for military and police families


Apr 3, 2023

BUJUMBURA April 3rd (ABP) – The President of the Republic of Burundi, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye took part, in the afternoon of March 30, 2023, in the Easter retreat organized by the Archdiocese of Bujumbura through the Chaplaincies military and police under the theme: “Enlightened by the preaching of the apostles, let us revitalize our families so that they may be characterized by faith and peace”.

Speaking, the Head of State welcomed the organization of this teaching session, stressing that the officers and the police have sacrificed themselves for the country in particular and their families in general. He explained that when they have a work assignment, their absence causes disorder in their families. President Ndayishimiye also encouraged the wives of the military and police for their responsibility in their families in the absence of the husband.

                                                                                       View of the participants

To that end, Mr. Ndayishimiye took the opportunity to advise military and police officers to respect their wives so that peace would be in the family. In order to support the development of the country, he also invited them to join in livestock and agricultural cooperatives that can provide them with money apart from the salary.

Regarding the theme of retirement, the President of the Republic returned to the importance of faith in married and family life. It is in this context that he challenged the participants in the session to increase the time of exchange and family prayer in order to strengthen communion with their wives.

The preacher of the day, Abbot Aristide Ndabuheze centered his teaching on the word of God taken from the Gospel according to Saint Luke10, 5-6. He mainly talked about the benefits of bringing peace to their families. He also indicated that the lack of communication between the married couple, lack of trust, poverty, bad behavior of a woman or a man, the divergence of ideas and others are at the origin of the instability from a family.

According to Abbot Ndabuheze, families who have faith and peace are the pillars of true development. Also, he pointed out, faith helps military leaders to sacrifice themselves for the country and even for their families. He added that faith and peace in the family allow children to grow up with a good education.