• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The secretary general of the CNDD-FDD party is committed to visiting all zones of the country


Mar 22, 2023

GITEGA March 22nd (ABP) – The secretary general of the CNDD-FDD party, Mr. Révérien Ndikuriyo, has been visiting since Tuesday, March 14, 2023, different zones of the province of Gitega (center of the country) in order to meet the village mobilizers trained on the ideology of the party, in order to guide them in their mission to train the Bagumyabanga or the members of the other parties living in their villages, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

Mr. Ndikuriyo visited the Butezi, Buraza and Mahonda zones of Buraza commune on Tuesday; Kangozi and Bukirasazi zones of Bukirasazi commune and Maramvya zone of Makebuko commune. For Wednesday, the secretary general of the ruling party visited the Buhevyi and Gihamagara zones of Itaba commune, the Makebuko and Murenda zones of Makebuko commune and the Gitega-Rural zone of Gitega commune. The general secretary of the party continued on Thursday March 16, 2023 his visit to the zones of Mubuga in Gitega commune, Kiriba in Giheta commune, Bukoro, Nyarusange and Murambi in Nyarusange commune. On Friday, he visited Nyabiraba, Mugaruro and Nyabitanga zones of Gishubi commune as well as Kavumu and Mahwa zones of Ryansoro commune.

Wherever he went, the secretary general of the CNDD-FDD party, let it be known that this party wants to have more than 90% in the next elections. On the basis of this, he invited those village mobilizers to sensitize everyone around them, household by household, and to write in a notebook the names and first names of the sensitized people. To easily achieve this glorious victory, Mr. Ndikuriyo invited those village mobilizers to give their all to sensitize people on the ideology of the party and to go about income-generating activities because, according to him, those mobilizers must be examples and play an essential role in the development of the country and families.

He further called on the Bagumyabanga to be good role models in their community, to help each other, to no longer mistreat activists from other political parties and to have a vision in their families. Mr. Ndikuriyo also invited the Bagumyabanga to fight against poverty, not to waste agricultural production, to know the history of the party, to meditate on it to remember where we come from and where the country is going. He also called on them to love labor and seek money to develop.