• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Minister in charge of communication has met with the people of Bubanza


Jan 16, 2023

BUBANZA January 16th (ABP) – The Minister of Communication, Information Technologies and Media, Léocadie Ndacayisaba, met on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, with the inhabitants of Bubanza province (north-west of Burundi), on their concerns in relation to the specifications of that ministry, a check in Bubanza by ABP has revealed.

The grievances of the inhabitants of that province, which were raised in that dialogue session, were in particular related to social media which demonize people, thefts perpetrated in these days through Lumicash and Ecocash, fixed telephones which are no longer functional, lack of telephone networks in certain localities of the Rugazi commune. They also talk about the REMA FM radio station which is not heard in some corners, the graduates of ICT schools who lack internships in communication companies, the mastery of he who call himself “Umuhinga yigenga”, the bad reception in national postal service agencies and others.

Faced with all those concerns, the Minister of Communication, Information Technologies and the Media, Léocadie Ndacayisaba, the directors general of various departments of that Ministry and heads of private communication companies, have promised that everything is in the process to be implemented so that those fixed telephones are functional, for the establishment of other antennas by Viettel, the eradication of those thefts via Lumicash and Ecocash. Regarding internships for laureates, those communication companies ask school officials to send them in small numbers and in turn, so that they are well supervised. Minister Ndacayisaba asks the inhabitants on the site to report, always, in real time, each time they see the dysfunction in provincial or communal services of the said ministry.