• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The minister in charge of national solidarity has listened to the people’s grievances


Jan 13, 2023

BURURI January 13th (ABP) – The Minister of National Solidarity, Social Affairs, Human Rights and Gender, Imelde Sabushimike, made, on Wednesday, January 11, 2023, a trip to the Bururi province to collect concerns of the people of Bururi province.

Governor Bandenzamaso Léonidas said in his welcoming speech that the collaboration between CDFC officials and the administration is perfect. Most of the interventions were concerns of the Batwa communities where they raised the lack of arable land, title deeds to their tiny lands, the conflicts that oppose them with the Pentecostal Church of Kiremba, the lack of financial resources to pay for school fees, health care and iron sheets to cover their houses.

Another question raised was that relating to pensioners who do not benefit from free health care.

Responding to the question of street children who beg, she replied that it is an issue that is observed in almost all large towns. Regarding the theft reported here and there, she said that it is not mainly the Batwa and that those who are often caught for robbery are not Batwa, she added. She asked the administration and society in general to make the issues of Batwa their own.

Mrs. Imelde Sabushimike denounced the behavior of people who are indifferent in the community. The issue of cultivable land is being analyzed by different ministries to find the way-out.