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Heads of households are urged to cut short with concubine behavior


Dec 14, 2022

MUYINGA December 14th (ABP) – Household conflicts related to concubine behavior and land disputes are causing a lot of damage in Giteranyi commune, Muyinga province (north-eastern Burundi).

View of the people

In a visit on Wednesday in the Masaka zone of the same commune, the provincial governor, J. Claude Barutwanayo, received a panoply of grievances related to land disputes and countless cases of conflicts inherent in concubine behavior. Land disputes cover 95% of the Residence Court in that district.

The parties to the conflict do not accept the judgments rendered by the court, hence multiple conflicts.

Concubine behavior is also an issue that gives the administration a hard time. Several women, young and old alike, have displayed their failures in homes following the misconduct of their spouses. The provincial governor called on heads of households to change their behaviors and respect their wives in order to improve household relations. He recommended to the village forum of women to follow closely the cases of such a poor behavior in order to dismiss the concubines who only destroy the family homes.

With regard to land disputes, Governor Barutwanayo asked the presiding judge of the High Court to carry out a circumstantial mission in that commune to hear the grievances of the injured parties in order to find a  solution likely to resolve those disputes.