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The President of the Republic received in audience Uhuru Kenyatta, facilitator of the EAC in the conflict in the DRC


Nov 9, 2022

BUJUMBURA November 9th (ABP) – The President of the Republic met on Saturday, November 5, at the presidential palace in Bujumbura, with the former Kenyan president, Uhuru Kenyatta, facilitator of the EAC in the conflict in the east of the DRC. After this consultation meeting which took place behind closed doors, EAC Secretary General Peter Mutuku Mathuki, indicated in a press release that the Head of State Evariste Ndayishimiye, President of the Summit of Heads of State of the EAC and the facilitator agreed that a political track must be favored for a lasting and prolonged solution in the search for peace in the DRC, despite the fact that there is an increased redeployment of the force. They saw a resurgence of M23 violence that undermined the gains that had been made as local armed groups offered to lay down their arms in return for peace.

The current president of the EAC and the facilitator called for inter-Congolese dialogue. They urged all foreign armed groups to return to their respective countries of origin.

The statement released informs that the next session of the dialogue will begin on November 16 in Nairobi, Kenya. Traditional leaders will also be invited to this dialogue, emphasizing the need to maintain inclusiveness through the participation of all stakeholders. The communiqué further indicates that the consultative meeting agreed on a roadmap for the implementation of the political path towards a lasting solution to peace and security in eastern DRC, while encouraging the continuation of the Luanda process in Angola, for the appeasement of tensions between the DRC and Rwanda. The consultative meeting appreciated the rapid deployment of troops operated by Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda and urged other troop contributing countries to expedite their deployment.

The President of Burundi at the same time Chairman of the Summit of Heads of State of the EAC, reiterated his commitment to a dialogue with all the Heads of State of the community on the adoption of a regional approach to manage the situation and build trust between partner states, we still learn from the same press release.