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Official launch of the 16th edition of the Torch of Peace caravan


Nov 9, 2022

BUJUMBURA November 7th (ABP) – The presidential couple proceeded on Wednesday, November 2, 2022 in Bujumbura, to the launch of the 16th edition of the torch of peace caravan. Those ceremonies saw the participation of the high authorities of the country, among others the president of the national assembly, the 1st vice-president, the head of the government, the members of the government, the MPs, the senior executives of the country and the urban population from Bujumbura.

The people of Bujumbura City had responded to the appointment. These ceremonies began with the cutting of the ribbon symbolic of the official launch of this caravan by the Head of State who then lit the torch of peace which he held up for a while to the rostrum of honor on Independence Boulevard.

Epipode Baranyikwa, president of the Intwararumuri association and president of the organizing committee of the caravan, said that each year, this association accompanies the torch of peace throughout the country.

In each province, where the torch stops, the members of this association participate alongside the local administration and the population, in community development work, a vision they have set themselves to build the country, according to Mr. Baranyikwa. He also urged that the caravan of the torch of peace be considered as an intangible heritage of Burundian society.

In his speech for the occasion for the launch of the 16th edition of the torch of peace caravan, the President of the Republic, Evariste Ndayishimiye compared the route of the caravan of the torch of peace, to the route of the torch of the Olympic Games which travels the whole world bringing peace in its path even as the parties in conflict lay down their arms in its path. A situation which is concrete in Burundi, because the torch always brings peace in its path, according to the President of the Republic.

With regard to honoring the caravan as requested by the president of the Intwararumuri association, the President of the Republic announced that a monument for the torch of peace will be erected in the political capital in Gitega. He said that the start of work will begin next year. He also promised that the duration of the caravan could be increased so that the caravan passes through all the municipalities.

President Ndayishimiye also insisted on the theme chosen for this 16th edition: “Let us bear witness to our patriotism through the good management of public affairs”, castigating the bad behavior of certain officials who monopolize the wealth of society. In this regard, he said that there is no tolerance towards them, explaining that the fight against those who illegally seize them has already begun, without any distinction.

Thus, he challenged every Burundian to safeguard this heritage, ensuring that this common heritage is not at the mercy of a handful of individuals. He encouraged the members of the Intwararumuri association, for the mission they have assigned themselves to accompany the torch of peace, promising that they will be supported during the time that the caravan will last. Mr. Ndayishimiye challenged them to carry the message of this 16th edition while hoping that every Burundian will have the opportunity to be in contact with the torch of peace. Note that this 16th edition of the torch of peace caravan will last until November 12, 2022.