• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Forum of Women’s Civil Society Organizations for Women’s Development


Oct 27, 2022

BUJUMBURA October 26th (ABP) – A women’s rights organization in Burundi (Medica Mondiale) organized on Thursday, October 20, 2022, a forum with the aim of bringing together women’s organizations from civil society to discuss and reflect on actions to be carried out to strengthen the women’s movement in Burundi.

The regional representative in the countries of the Great Lakes, Mrs. Maria Grazia Massaro indicated that the objective of this forum was to bring together a large number of women’s organizations to give them back the space for exchange and discussion of their problems, above all, identify them, analyze them and find a solution together. She stressed that it is within the framework of collaboration and consultation that they would like to begin to set up this framework for exchange.

Mrs. Grazia Massaro also indicated that a participatory action research was carried out, where two international researchers were able to train six Burundian women co-researchers and the latter trained about 200 women distributed in 31 different associations of the provinces Bujumbura city, Kayanza and Ngozi, in order to study and see the problems encountered by women in their households or in society.

Mrs. Massaro further indicated that they have observed many challenges encountered by women’s associations, among other things the significant lack of financial resources, certain elements of the culture which mean that Burundian women do not have a place, do not have access to politics, respect, resources and recognition.

She pointed out that the most important thing is to try to understand what women want, how to solve the problems they encounter and see how Medica Mondiale can help them implement the solutions and help women’s organizations financially. According to Mrs. Grazia Massaro, Medica Mondiale must also help to strengthen the organizational and institutional capacities of associations so that they can implement their actions in a qualitative way.

One of the co-researchers, Mrs. Anick Dusenge, pointed out that working in motion leads to good results. She indicated that the Burundian community needs to be made more aware so that it understands that some work that men do, women can also do. She also asked Burundian society to support women who want to join women’s associations. She also did not forget to challenge women to work in synergy and to have the same vision.