• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Concreting of the provincial CNDD-FDD party office under construction


Oct 17, 2022

BURURI October 17th (ABP) – The Bagumyabanga of Bururi province and other supporters of the CNDD-FDD party, participated on Saturday, October 15, 2022, in the concreting works of the provincial office, in the process of being built upstairs in the provincial headquarters.

The provincial secretary within the CNDD-FDD party Mr. Dieudonné Iradukunda indicated that the members of that party contributed to build a modern office like the other provinces.

He said that party activists continue to welcome many members, noting that last time 1500 new members joined the ruling party in Songa commune.

He also reported that it was planned to welcome 1800 new members, for lack of means of transport, 300 from Bururi commune and the surrounding area were crowned with the colors of the CNDD FDD party flag.

The national secretary in charge of communication within the party, Mrs. Nancy Ninette Mutoni, praised the efforts of CNDD-FDD party members in Bururi province.

She meant that the party offices are places for learning about development, culture and social cohabitation. She advised the Bagumyabanga to embrace development work and display a sense of brotherhood in the workplace and in the community.

During this period when the dry season has lengthened, Mrs. Mutoni asked the people to practice irrigation where possible and teach families to balance the diet in order to avoid malnutrition in that province.