• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Knowing the truth as the key to reconciliation and sustainable development


Sep 15, 2022

RUYIGI September 13th (ABP) – The people of the province and the Catholic diocese of Ruyigi are called upon to tell each other the truth, without evasions about the crises that have shaken Burundi at different times, in order to achieve true reconciliation and sustainable development.

That appeal comes from the Catholic Bishop of Ruyigi, Blaise Nzeyimana, when this diocese celebrated Sunday, September 11, the day dedicated to justice and peace.

That celebration was also an opportunity for some citizens who were involved in assassinations during the 1993 crisis, to ask forgiveness from the families of the victims. That initiative is positively appreciated by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which asks the entire Burundian population to follow the same example for a frank reconciliation.

For the 18th year; that special day dedicated to peace and justice was celebrated on Sunday, September 11, 2022 at the parish of Busoro, in the Catholic diocese of Ruyigi. The ceremonies began with the blessing and the laying of wreaths on a common grave where some fifteen people were buried who were murdered in 1993. This celebration was also an opportunity for some Christians who participated in the murder of their neighbors of the same parish during the crisis of 1993 asked for forgiveness for their part in these assassinations, which was subsequently granted by the descendants of the victims of these atrocities

In his homily, the Bishop of Ruyigi Blaise Nzeyimana said that such forgiveness coming from the regret of these acts and the repentance from the bottom of the author’s heart has a saving role for the actors and the victims. The Vice-President of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Reverend Ninziza Clément Noël expressed a positive appreciation of the step already taken by the Catholic Diocese of Ruyigi in the knowledge of truth and reconciliation. These two authorities invite the people of Ruyigi and the whole country to avoid silencing or preventing from expressing themselves all those who want to share their knowledge on the sad and tragic events in the history of Burundi.