• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Handover ceremonies between the outgoing minister in charge of the interior and his successor


Sep 15, 2022

BUJUMBURA September 14th (ABP) – The outgoing Minister of Interior, Community Development and Public Security, Mr. Gervais Ndirakobuca, proceeded on Tuesday, September 13, 2022, in Bujumbura, to the handover and recovery ceremonies with his successor, Mr. Martin Niteretse, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

The handover and takeover ceremonies were attended by the prime minister’s chief of staff, police colonel Nyandwi Datus, the provincial governors, the police inspector general and his deputy, the inspector general of the ministry in charge of development and his deputy, heads of general police stations, regional police commissioners, provincial police commissioners, communal administrators and many others.

In his remarks, the outgoing Minister and current Prime Minister of Burundi, Mr. Gervais Ndirakobuca welcomed the appointment of his successor to the Ministry in charge of the Interior because, he explained, the latter evolved in the same department. He promised to remain in frank collaboration for the smooth running of the activities.

Mr. Ndirakobuca recalled that the responsible and hardworking government led by the Head of State, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye, is at work for the well-being of the people, thus calling on administrative officials to change mentality and work in accordance with the law while instructing their leaders to implement what they too are capable of accomplishing within the framework of building a rule of law as desired by the President of the Republic.

To the representatives of the responsible and hardworking government of the province on the village, Mr. Ndirakobuca gave them a lot of advice on the way to work diligently, to stay close to the population and to serve as a model at work as desired. by the Head of State. He asked them to work side by side with the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock for the well-being of the population, before asking the police to ensure their mission of protect people and their property.

Among the challenges faced by the Ministry in charge of the Interior while Prime Minister Ndirakobuca was in charge of this ministry, he cited among others, mutual non-respect and interference in business, absence of meetings on time, misunderstanding between the administrators and the presidents of the communal councils, lateness at work, poor delivery of national identity cards, fraudulent trade and failure to respect the hierarchy.

The Prime Minister took that opportunity to ask the various participants in the handover and recovery ceremonies to be humble at work, to avoid pride and ligalas. He also asked them to respect the standards in the management of public finances, to continue sensitizing the people on the protection of the environment, the pooling of arable land to increase production and the drawing of contour lines. to protect cultivable land, without forgetting to pull themselves together with regard to the planting of trees on the edges of the roads and the organization of community work in their constituencies.

The new Minister of the Interior, Community Development and Public Security, Mr. Martin Niteretse, has, for his part, asked administrative officials to properly ensure the chain of command and to follow up in all areas of the life of their administrative entities.

As a reminder, the outgoing Minister of the Interior, Community Development and Public Security has been the Prime Minister of the Republic of Burundi since September 7, 2022 by Decree No 100/105 of the Head of State, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye. Mr. Ndirakobuca is then the head of government, according to article 129 of the Constitution of the Republic of Burundi promulgated on June 7, 2018.