• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Delivery of eighteen motorcycles to the ABP provincial correspondents


Sep 15, 2022

BUJUMBURA September 14th (ABP) – The Minister of Communication, Information Technologies and Media, Mrs. Léocadie Ndacayisaba proceeded on Tuesday, September 13, 2022 to the delivery of 18 motorcycles to the provincial correspondents of the Burundi News Agency (ABP) at its headquarters located at the Avenue des Paysans in the Asian Quarter in the Rohero zone in the Mukaza commune in the Bujumbura City.

                                                          The provincial correspondents of the ABP receive the motorcycles

The ceremonies took place in the presence of senior officials of the Ministry in charge of the Media and employees, including the ABP correspondents in all the provinces of the country.

On that occasion, the ABP director general, Mr. Nicolas Barajingwa indicated that those motorcycles, worth 72 million Fbu were purchased to serve as means of transport for the correspondents in order to properly accomplish their missions.

He told the minister in charge of communication that one of the biggest challenges hampering the work of the provincial correspondents was the lack of travel to access the different locations of their respective entities in order to collect and process information in time.

Mr. Barajingwa, on behalf of the ABP, was delighted that his request had met with a favorable outcome and that the ABP, one of whose objectives is communication for the development of the people, was able to obtain funding for the purchase of motorcycles for all its provincial correspondents. For this, he thanked all the authorities who contributed to the acquisition of those motorcycles.

According to the director general of the ABP, those motorcycles will allow their users to access the various corners, even the most remote, to meet the population in order to value the step taken in self-development.

Moreover, the correspondents have the mission of collecting the concerns and grievances of the people, and relaying them to the various bodies empowered to resolve them. As a result, they contribute to the vision of the Head of State who demands that every mouth has food and every pocket has money. He pointed out that in addition to those motorcycles, the provincial correspondents have already benefited from other work tools, such as vests, laptops and cameras so that their working conditions are improved.

He advised them to maintain them well for long-lasting and efficient use. In addition, the general management of the ABP expects these motorcycles to be used exclusively for the interest and efficiency of the service.

Minister Ndacayisaba, in turn, pointed out that it has been almost two years since the ABP submitted to the ministry the thorny issue of moving its journalists based in the provinces to be able to access the different corners of their constituencies. respective. She went on to say that the ministry took this request seriously and spared no effort to seek from the government the funding necessary for those means of transport to be acquired. She expressed her satisfaction that the request had a favorable outcome. She added that the acquisition of these motorcycles is one more sign that the government is sparing no effort to provide journalists with the necessary means to carry out their missions.

The authorities then expect these means of travel to facilitate the mobility of correspondents throughout their work districts, and that the performance of their services is improved. She invited them to be men in the field and to carry far the voice of the people which aspires to its development.