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Handover ceremonies between the new Prime Minister and his predecessor


Sep 9, 2022

BUJUMBURA September 9th (ABP) – The outgoing Prime Minister, Mr. Alain Guillaume Bunyoni, proceeded on Thursday, September 8, 2022 at the presidential palace Ntare Rushatsi, to the handover ceremonies with the incoming Prime Minister, Mr. Gervais Ndirakobuca.

On the sidelines of those ceremonies, Mr. Bunyoni told the press that he left to his successor 4 main files which are in progress.

The first file concerns the computerization of public services, which is conceived as a flagship program that will allow the government not only to interconnect state services but also to implement policies in an efficient way from the base to the highest peak. It is a common file in all the ministries which will make it possible to boost the economy and to carry out government actions in real time such as

than programmed.

The second file concerns the administration of the territory where there is a program of regrouping the administrative entities of the country. That project will allow the various public services to be more efficient by serving the nearby population. It will also allow better organization to plan inclusive sustainable economic development.

The third issue relates to wage policy and social protection. According to Mr. Bunyoni, the implementation of the salary policy will make it possible to avoid salary disparities and to properly match the salary with the work rendered, adding that this is a file that is well advanced but deserves follow-up.

As for the social protection policy, Mr. Bunyoni said that a civil servant who retires must be able to receive his last net salary as dictated by the President of the Republic, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye.

Pensioners who left before 2020 should also benefit from something because, he explained, their contribution is currently helping to improve the pension of those who are going to retire today or tomorrow.

The last file he left to his successor concerns the promotion of inclusive and sustainable economic development, a file that embraces all sectors of the country’s life, according to Mr. Bunyoni.