• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

658 candidates were expected to take the entrance exam to the school of excellence, 2022 edition


Aug 19, 2022

MURAMVYA August 17th (ABP) – That national examination which gives the right to enter the 7th fundamental year did indeed begin between 9 am and 10 am in the five examination centers located in the five municipalities of Muramvya province (Centre- West).

At the test center where the governor of Muramvya province, Diomède Nzambimana, conducted a decent together with supervisors from the Ministry of Education and the provincial director of education, the candidates were doing the math and French in peace.

What was noticed in the different test centers is the high number of absences among the expected candidates. In Bukeye commune, 22 cases of absences were recorded, 7 cases in Kiganda commune, 16 cases of absence in Mbuye commune, 25 cases in Muramvya commune while Rutegama commune recorded 6 candidates who were absent, as respectively pointed out the municipal directors of education.

Among the causes of these reported cases of absence are the absence altogether and the distance due to the fact that the examination took place in a single examination center per commune.

Another observation shows that a good number of girls from the 6th fundamental classes in Muramvya province were able to occupy the first 3 places in the rankings of the results of the past school year compared to the boys who were expected, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

In Bukeye school district, 106 girls and 44 boys were expected, in Kiganda, 105 boys and 61 boys were expected there while in Mbuye, 69 girls and 42 boys were expected there. That is when 115 girls and 78 boys were expected in the Muramvya school commune while in the Rutegama commune, 53 girls and 46 boys were expected there. Note that each of the two tests counting for the national examination giving access to the 7th year of excellence had a duration of one hour thirty minutes.