• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Soon decent houses for a hundred vulnerable people in Rugombo commune


Jul 27, 2022

CIBITOKE July 27th (ABP) – At least a hundred vulnerable people from Rugombo commune will benefit from sheet metal houses from the Ministry having solidarity in its attributions, which will be built with bricks made in the work camps of these summer vacation in progress.

The launch of that work took place on July 25, 2022, in the presence of the municipal administration, in the Kiramira village and zone, where 40 Batwa family houses will be built.

In his speech, the administrator Gilbert Manirakiza wished a large participation, and urged the students on vacation and the beneficiary families, to run with the times, to raise the walls, before the next rainy season.

He challenged the local administration, to follow that campaign closely and to give a report for whoever will finish putting up the walls, so that the commune can come and put the roof on. Beneficiaries expressed their satisfaction, pointing out that they had shelter problems, especially during the rain.

Mrs. Louise Niyokwizera, a widow commended that support from the government, promising to do everything to educate her children. The Kiramira zone leader, urged his leaders to help each other, to quickly finish the manufacture of bricks, in order to benefit the first from those sheets and warns those who often frequent bars to eradicate that behavior.