• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Swearing in of the new commissioners of the CVR and members of the CNIDH and the CNUNR


Jul 1, 2022

BUJUMBURA June 30th (ABP) – Some members of the Independent National Commission for Human Rights (CNIDH), Commissioners of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (CVR) and members of the National Council for National Unity and Reconciliation (CNUNR) were sworn in on Monday June 27, 2022 at the Kigobe hemicycle, in front of the President of the Republic of Burundi Evariste Ndayishimiye and the parliament.

The members of the CNIDH have sworn to fulfill their term faithfully and with complete independence and impartiality, never to allow themselves to be guided by any partisan interest and to devote themselves entirely to the protection and promotion of human rights with strict respect of the constitution of the Republic of Burundi, the charter of national unity and other laws in force. The new members of the CNIDH are Gilbert Bécaud Njangwa and Chantal Niyonkuru.

                                                                                                        Mr. Abdallah Kajandi Sadiki is taking the oath

The new commissioners of the CVR by taking an oath have sworn before the President of the Republic and the Parliament, that they will accomplish their mission in complete independence, impartiality, dignity and without any discrimination whatsoever, with the aim of discovering the truth in order to favor and promote national reconciliation.

They have also undertaken to respect the obligation of confidentiality prescribed by the law on the creation, term, composition, organization and functioning of the CVR. The new CVR commissioners are Stella Budiriganya, Laurent Kavakure and Abdallah Kajandi Sadiki.

The members of the CNUNR have sworn to faithfully and impartially fulfill their term, never to allow themselves to be guided by any partisan interest and to devote themselves entirely to the consolidation of the unity and national reconciliation of Burundians with strict respect of the constitution of the Republic of Burundi, the charter of national unity and other laws in force. The new members of the CNUNR are Olivier Nkurunziza, Seth Nkeshimana, Jeanine Nibizi, Anicet Niyonkuru, Rose Ntawe, Mediator Bizabishaka and Jean Marie Ndayihereje.

It worthy to note that those ceremonies were attended by the Vice President of the Republic of Burundi, the Prime Minister, the Speaker of the National Assembly and the President of the Senate, the two Houses of Parliament, members of the government, senior military and police executives, civil society and others.