• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The achievements of MEMISA Belgium are satisfactory


Jun 13, 2022

MURAMVYA June 13th (ABP) – The Director General of MEMISA Belgium, Dr. Élies Van Belles, visiting Burundi for the first time, made in the afternoon of Thursday June 9, a visit to Muramvya province (center -western Burundi), to realize the achievements of MEMISA in the health sector in this province, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

Accompanied by the coordinator of MEMISA’s action in Burundi, Dr. Édouard Nkurunziza, the delegation led by Dr. Elies Van Belles went respectively to the community health mutual office of the Muramvya commune called Bukiriro and to the friendly health center young people from Bugarama. At the Bukiriro health mutual, the president of this mutual, Libère Nimubona, reviewed the birth, the member households and the way in which they are cared for with the help of annual contributions at the rate of the number of employees per household, since the year 2014 with the support of the NGO MEMISA Belgium, he said.

The Director General of MEMISA Belgium with the children supervised by the health center friendly to young people in Bugarama

The Managing Director of MEMISA and her delegation asked comprehension questions about the functioning of the Supervisory Board and the accounts. Convincing answers were provided to them by the president of the mutuality Bukiriro and the social animator Nadège Kagore, responsible for health activities supported by MEMISA in Muramvya province, it was noted.

The Director General of MEMISA Belgium and her delegation also visited the youth-friendly health center in Bugarama, where more than 250 young local students are supervised twice a month in matters of sexual and reproductive health through competitions. and television sketches, as well as sports supervision by playing billiards, Kickera and so on.

After the visit, Mrs. Van Belles expressed her feelings, stating that she is happy to align herself with the programs of the Ministry of Public Health in order to be able to contribute to the implementation of the national health strategy. According to the Head of Programs at MEMISA Belgium: “Sexual, relational and effective life education for young people is very important. We encourage youth-friendly health centers that do this activity and we hope it will bear fruit”. He pointed out that they are proud and happy of the good collaboration between MEMISA and the decentralized authorities but also the collaboration of MEMISA and the Ministry of Public Health. He added that MEMISA Belgium hopes to continue contributing to the national strategy and strengthening health systems as much as possible.

Dr. Nkurunziza meanwhile indicated that he welcomed very satisfactory achievements on the ground but also needs that have not yet found solutions. In collaboration with the other partners and the health authorities, Dr. Nkurunziza reassured that they will look into the challenges that remain outstanding, including the lack of personnel at the health center, infrastructure, equipment and capacity building needs. Staff.

It should be noted that the head of the Bugarama youth-friendly health center welcomed the donation of medical equipment from MEMISA Belgium, in addition to the supervision of young people in matters of sexual and reproductive health.