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The administrative officials of Mukaza commune are called on to inspire their leaders to get down to the development works


May 19, 2022

BUJUMBURA May 19th (ABP) – The administrator of the urban commune of Mukaza, Mr. Rénovat Sindayihebura, calls on administrators at all levels to be good leaders who inspire their leaders to get down to development work. It was during a meeting he held on Wednesday May 18, 2022, at the Islamic center located in the Rohero zone, for members of the Mukaza communal council, village councilors, natives of the commune, representatives of development cooperatives and non-profit associations, development partners as well as representatives of religious denominations.

Mr. Sindayihebura indicated that the meeting was organized with the objective of presenting to the participants the state of the current life of the commune in all the sectors and to self-evaluate to then embark on a new phase of efforts to realize the community’s prospects.

With regard to the vaccination of children, that communal authority reported that there has been a significant advance because, he explained, 80% of city dwellers living in this municipality have their children vaccinated whereas previously we registered less than 50% of children vaccinated. He pointed out that the Covid-19 pandemic was wiped out in this town following compliance with barrier measures, recalling nevertheless that this pandemic still exists and that its spread must always be avoided.

According to Mr. Sindayihebura, the Mukaza commune faces certain challenges such as the persistence of the phenomenon of street children, cases of theft, itinerant trade practiced mainly by women as well as cases of divorce. For the cases of theft, he pointed out that we will do everything to eradicate this disruptive phenomenon of security, while for the itinerant trade, these women must practice their trade in the market and not in the street.

On the political level, the administrator of Mukaza said that the joint security committees are at work, the different political parties working in Mukaza commune live together peacefully and organize meetings in peace. In the field of justice, he revealed that the files that are in the courts and tribunals are mainly those of disputes related to land properties.

View of the participants

In the environmental sector, Mr. Sindayihebura indicated that the commune has planted trees, including bamboo, for the protection of the Ntahangwa and Muha rivers, while on the social level, the commune has assisted the vulnerable and people elderly.

During the interventions of the participants, a certain Saidi Bizimana thanked the communal administration for the construction of the fence of the Bassin I school, which had become a refuge for thieves, and for the availability of the communal community development plan for everyone. Some participants asked the municipal administration to redouble its efforts to raise awareness among the population so that they can understand the merits of working in cooperatives.

The president of the communal council of Mukaza, Mrs. Anick Nsabimana, pointed out that the natives of Mukaza do not flock to the cooperatives when they must take the lead. She also pointed out that the 10 million granted to the hillside cooperatives do not belong to any political party, but rather they belong to the people.