• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

People are called for the digging of contour lines and the consolidation of land


May 11, 2022

BUJUMBURA May 10th (ABP) – The governor of Bujumbura province (western Burundi) Mr. Désiré Nsengiyumva calls on the population of his province to dig contour lines in their properties and agronomists and agricultural monitors are required to measure and show where those curves will pass, read the ABP in a correspondence of May 3, addressed to communal administrators in application of the recommendations of the meeting of stakeholders in agriculture held on April 19 in Nyabiraba commune. The same correspondence invites municipal administrators to schedule community digging works for municipal properties and that work should end with the month of June. Governor Nsengiyumva urges farmers to group properties up to a minimum of 2ha which will be considered as model fields at communal, zonal level and at least one hectare at hill level. He warns anyone who evades these measures, meaning that he will be exposing himself to serious sanctions.