• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The CECADM Board of Directors met its members from Kayanza province


Mar 8, 2022

KAYANZA March 7th (ABP) – The board of directors of the savings and credit cooperative for the self-development of soldiers (CECADM) met, on Friday in l of Kayanza province (north), its members of this province.

The objective of that meeting, organized for soldiers in action, veterans, widows, war disabled and pensioners, was to show them the evolution of this cooperative since its creation, its achievements as well as the strategic plan, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

In his presentation, Mr. Dieudonné Ndorimana, one of the members of the board of directors within the CECADM, testified that this cooperative has been successful from year to year, going from 1,042 members in 2007 to 44,679 in 2021.

However, he deplored the fact that some members of the military do not save for retirement when it is for their own benefit in particular and that of their families in general.

According to Mr. Ndorimana, 9,474 soldiers out of a total workforce of 44,679 of the said cooperative are not saving for retirement. It is in this context that he recommended to the military, especially young people, to change mentalities and to understand that this kind of savings facilitates their survival during the retirement period. He also urged retirees to set up small projects in order to occupy themselves usefully and meet their daily needs.