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The governor of Kayanza has continued his visits to the communes to collect the complaints of the people


Feb 22, 2022

KAYANZA February 21st (ABP) – The governor of Kayanza province (northern Burundi) continued to visit the communes to collect the grievances of the people. On Wednesday February 16th 2022, he met the people of Butaganzwa commune. He was in the company of the heads of provincial services and his advisers.

One of the questions close to the heart of the inhabitants of Butaganzwa addressed to the governor of Kayanza concerns the cutting of a water supply network which came from Mount Banga to supply the Mufumya village and its surroundings. The inhabitants of that locality pointed out that even the pipes that brought water to that locality were dug up to be sold in Bujumbura. They say they fear catching diseases from dirty hands, especially since they have to travel more than 2 km to access drinking water.

Speaking about that concern, the administrator of Butaganzwa commune, Mrs. Janvière Kanyana, said to be aware of it and that she intends to contact the winners of the market for the rehabilitation of the modern market of Bumba to re-analyze the contract which bound them to the commune so that the Mufumya village and its surroundings are supplied with drinking water as before.

In turn, the governor of Kayanza, Mr. Rémy Cishahayo, demanded that the communal administration, its technical services and the communal water supply authority find a solution to that issue so that the people are quickly restored to their rights.

He recommended carrying out thorough investigations so that all those who participated in the hijacking of the pipes that brought water to Mufumya village are apprehended and brought to the anti-corruption police.

In Butaganzwa, as in other communes already visited by the Governor of Kayanza, issues relating to land, family and social affairs occupy an important place.

Governor Cishahayo then went to Matongo commune on Thursday to collect the complaints of the people. In that commune, it has been found that most of the questions fit well with land matters and cases of concubine behavior. Reacting to those questions, he recommended that administrative officials work in symbiosis and drive out all illegal women.