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Protection of the Nyabagere River concerns the scouts of the Imbo region


Feb 18, 2022

BUJUMBURA February 17th (ABP) – Scouts from the Imbo scout region and guides from the guide province of Bujumbura City Council participated on Saturday, February 12, 2022, in bamboo planting activities on the banks of the Nyabagere river with a view to protection of the environment, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

The Chief Regional Commissioner, Mr. Alain Ntwari says that in this month dedicated to scouts and guides, good deeds are being carried out. He cited the bamboo planting activity on the Kanyosha River, at the same time as that carried out on the Nyabagere River.

Mr. Ntwari then asked the scouts and guides present in the day’s activities to be good examples wherever they are, so that the neighborhood wants their children to also become members of the scout movement.

The representative of the guide province of Bujumbura-Mairie, Mrs. Lorraine Muhimpundu salutes the bamboo planting activities on the two rivers (Nyabagere and Kanyosha) and affirms that these actions contribute to the protection of the environment.

She concluded by saying that these kinds of activities help in preparing for a better future so that the next generation will live in a better world.

One of the participants in this good action congratulates all the scouts and guides of Burundi, in particular those who are fulfilling the message of the founder of the scout movement who reminds scouts and guides to “try to leave this land having made better than you found it”.