• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The people of Rumonge province are called to denounce any kind of speculation


Jan 18, 2022

RUMONGE, Jan 14 (ABP) – The governor of Rumonge province, Mr. Consolateur Nitunga organized, on Thursday January 13, 2022, a public broadcast during which he answered questions from journalists and the population, in the purpose of responding to the appeal of the Head of State.

In the education sector, the question of why the provincial directorate of education occupies the unsatisfactory place in the national competitions has been raised. On that, the governor of Rumonge province replied that education in Rumonge faces many challenges, but he added, after having organized meetings, the observation is that the people neglect that sector, claiming that it is reserved for school principals and teachers only.

                                                                                                                         View of the participants in the public issue

Another difficulty observed in that same sector is linked to the delays or even absences of teachers at work. According to Mr. Nitunga, this situation is caused by the fact that the said teachers live in cities located far from the places of their work. He added that some of them were replaced, after giving them advice but to no avail.

He therefore invited the population, starting with the members of the hill committee, to closely monitor the situation of the education of their children.

Regarding the question related to the increase in the price of the ticket and certain products such as those of BRARUDI, BUCECO and SOSUMO, the governor of Rumonge province called on the entire population of the province to denounce any kind of speculation observed in the locality and the administrative authorities at all levels must take measures of sanctions against the speculators denounced, in order to eradicate this unworthy habit.

You will know that communal administrators and heads of provincial services were also invited to that program.