• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Madame Christine Ntahe has been elected chairperson of Burundi Red Cross


Jan 6, 2022

CANKUZO January 6th (ABP) – Members of the Burundi Red Cross voted Mrs. Christine Ntahe 152 out of 153 of the votes cast, as the chairperson of that organization for a 4-year term, thus replacing Pamphile Kantabaze, during an ordinary general assembly organized from January 4 to 5, 2022 in Cankuzo province (eastern Burundi), a check by ABP revealed.

On behalf of the Ministry in charge of Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Gloriose Berahino, indicated that the government of Burundi is proud of the action that the Burundi Red Cross is carrying out on the ground through its vast network of more than 600,000 volunteers spread over all the villages of the country.

She congratulated those volunteers for the activities they carry out on the ground and encouraged them to always move forward.

Indeed, she recognized that they have given their all to sensitize communities on barrier measures taken against Covid-19 since the first cases of the pandemic were recorded in Burundi, while affirming that the government of Burundi is aware of the difficult conditions of their work.

As the Burundi Red Cross made a claim on the use and protection of its emblem in order to work in good conditions, Mrs. Berahino promised that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will do so until the completion of that promise.

The protection of staff, leaders and all the equipment and infrastructure of the Red Cross is at stake.

On behalf of the government of Burundi, she made a strong appeal to the representatives of different ministries present at that meeting to truly be partners of the Burundi Red Cross and to facilitate its work.

She said that the Ministry of the Interior, Community Development and Public Security, the Ministry of Transport, Industry and Tourism and that of Education and Scientific Research have already signed two specific collaboration agreements with Burundi Red Cross. Nonetheless, she urged other ministries to follow suit.

She thanked the Burundi Red Cross and the participants for the determination and dedication in assisting the vulnerable in Burundi.

The delegate from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also thanked all those who invested themselves in the organization of that meeting and pledged the support from the government of Burundi so that the vulnerable regain their dignity.

The outgoing chair of the Burundi Red Cross, Pamphile Kantabaze, indicated that the theme of that ordinary general assembly “Towards the consolidation of village units”, is in line with the orientation of the new strategic plan which consists in developing well the governance of that national society starting from the base.

For him, the restructuring policy of the national society of the Burundi Red Cross clearly defines the profile and the responsibilities of each member of the executive committee as well as the other communities at the intermediate and local levels.

It also defines the collegial responsibilities of each committee.

Mr. Kantabaze hopes that the executive committee will continue to score points in assisting the vulnerable and maintain its proven reputation among other national societies around the world.

The chairperson-elect of the Burundi Red Cross, Mrs. Christine Ntahe, thanked the members for the confidence they have placed in her. She also thanked her predecessors including the outgoing one and the secretary general of the Burundi Red Cross for having managed that national society for 4 years as well as the authorities of the country for the confidence and the collaboration they maintain with that national society.

Regarding her commitments, Mrs. Christine Ntahe promised to implement the content of the 5-year strategic plan in close collaboration with members of the Burundi Red Cross.

She also promised to always be close to the volunteers, particularly through their capacity building in order to facilitate first aid at the community level.

She said she will do her best in carrying out her new responsibilities with the support of the executive committee and all members of the Burundi Red Cross.