• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Teachers are refreshed on the correct use of integration pedagogy


Dec 31, 2021

BUJUMBURA December 31st (ABP) – The Provincial Directorate of Education (DPE) in Bujumbura (western Burundi), organized a two-day training course on Wednesday and Thursday, to retrain general and pedagogical post-basic teachers to remind them of the integration pedagogy, newly introduced in the Burundi education system, a check in Bujumbura province by ABP has revealed.

DPE Bujumbura Raphaël Ciza told the press that during the accompanying visits of teachers to schools, he noted certain shortcomings which showed that the pedagogy of integration was not well put into practice.

According to Mr. Ciza, those noted shortcomings are due to multiple causes. He cited the case of new teachers who did not learn it at school, adding that there were also teachers who did not master all the dimensions (stages) of an integration situation and skipped some steps when installing resources (learning).

                                                                                                                   View of teachers taking part in the training

He also pointed out that there are teachers who continued to install resources, that is to say, to teach without implementing integration pedagogy, and who used masterful pedagogy, while it is no longer used, which prompted the DPE to organize that training.

That inventory had consequences on school results because, he explains, learners who have not been familiar with integration pedagogy or who have not seen all the constituents of integration while they would have used it during an evaluation, will have difficulty meeting an external evaluator, he added.

As expectations, Mr. Ciza told the press that teachers will better master the integration methodology, and will have the same background to properly implement the new government reform that is learning through integration pedagogy.

He recommended that teachers apply that reform to the letter, while stressing that it is mandatory.

When asked to know the reasons for absences recorded during that training in the various communes, the DPE Bujumbura said that he did not know the reasons, except for the case of Mugongomanga, where he was informed that there were teachers who are in quarantine because of Covid-19, including the communal director of education. “To those who do not have proof, I will apply the administrative measures,” he said.

He asks the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research to organize such training for teachers during the holidays.