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People are called on to seek treatment for illnesses at the warning signs


Dec 20, 2021

CANKUZO December 20th (ABP) – The people from Cankuzo province are called upon to consult health personnel at the first signs. This appeal was made by the medical director of the provincial health office in Cankuzo, Dr Gédéon Maniratunga, in an interview he gave to a check in Cankuzo by ABP.

Some of the residents of Mishiha commune who seek treatment at the Kibimba health center (CDS) told the check by ABP that among the diseases that threaten them, malaria comes first. They found that a person can easily test positive for malaria two or three times a month, while pointing out that this happens in children than in adults.

Other people that the check by ABP contacted, said new nets reach them so late that the ones they own are already damaged, making it easier for mosquitoes to reach sleeping people.

Dr Maniratunga affirms that malaria is frequent especially in the communes of Mishiha and Cendajuru, hence he calls on the people to protect themselves against this disease, by avoiding any stagnation of water around the house and by sleeping under a mosquito net infused with long-lasting insecticides.

In addition, he advises them that if they fall ill, they should go directly to the health center for treatment, as soon as the first symptoms appear.

In a meeting on the assessment of quarterly health achievements, recently organized by the Cankuzo Health Province Office, in collaboration with Enabel, participants noted that long-lasting insecticide-infused mosquito nets are granted to the people once every 3 years and that this period is long enough, hence they ask the Ministry of Public Health and the Fight against AIDS to review the reduction of this period.

As for the chief of staff in the office of the governor of Cankuzo province, Mr. Pierre Claver Nakumuryango, he called on the meeting participants to contribute significantly in the promotion of human health.