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China and France are committed to strengthening economic and financial cooperation


Dec 16, 2021

BEIJING December 14th (Xinhua) – Chinese Vice Prime Minister Hu Chunhua and French Economy and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire jointly chaired the China-France High Level Economic and Financial Dialogue on Monday by video link.

According to Hu, under the leadership of the Heads of State of the two countries, the concrete cooperation between China and France has made further positive progress, the bilateral trade volume has made a historic record, reciprocal investment has experienced a rapid increase, agricultural cooperation has achieved remarkable results, and cooperation in emerging sectors has achieved stable progress.

China is willing to work with the French side to implement the consensus reached by the two Heads of State, strengthen cooperation on international and multilateral affairs with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic, and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in the key sectors, Hu said.

The two countries should consolidate and expand cooperation on major projects and work to create a good environment for trade and investment, in order to take Sino-French cooperation to a higher level and breathe new life into the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership, according to Hu. On his part, Bruno Le Maire declared that France attached great importance to bilateral relations and was ready to work with China to further deepen economic and financial cooperation.

France is ready to strengthen communication and coordination with China on multilateral issues, including the response to climate change, the protection of biodiversity and the reform of the WTO, the French minister said.

France hopes to deepen cooperation with China on agriculture, finance and third-party markets, with a view to promoting pragmatic bilateral cooperation to achieve further positive results, he added.

The dialogue resulted in 54 points of agreement.