• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

A security meeting has been held in Kanyosha commune


Dec 15, 2021

BUJUMBURA December 15th (ABP) – The administrator of Kanyosha commune in Bujumbura province (western Burundi), Mr. Geneviève Ntahomvukiye, held a security meeting at the headquarters of that commune on Monday for the zone and village leaders, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

During the meeting, taking into account the reports of those administrative officials, Administrator Ntahomvukiye noted that there are facts which occur at the level of the villages and sub-villages which go unnoticed or which are reported late.

Here, she was referring to the leader of Rukuba village in the Kiyenzi zone, who was talking about the people who came to the same village last week, the people he described as drunk and who, in late hours, sang the songs of the CNL party, then those of the CNDD-FDD and left without being worried. In Nyamaboko village, in the same zone, the lifeless body of an old woman was found in a ravine and a 21-year-old girl had an abortion, all this information was not relayed in time.

In the Ruyaga zone, the allegations of bewitching are reported and a leaflet was picked up on Saturday and stated that the people from the Mboza and Buzige village were going to do battle with the poisoners.

Thefts of small livestock, in particular pigs and goats, are reported in Kanyosha commune as well as thefts from households which are committed even during the day, the perpetrators are sometimes apprehended and punished.

In Kabumba village, cases of polygamy are observed, there are even people who come from elsewhere and settle there.

Rising prices for Brarudi products make the situation worse. Amstel 65cl beer which should be sold at 1900 BIF is sold at 2500 BIF or even 2700 BIF, while Nyongera beer, which normally costs 1100 BIF, is now sold at 1700 BIF while there is a MEGA SSD depot in Ruyaga.

Administrator Geneviève Ntahomvukiye urged the administrative officials and the heads of the police to closely follow the situation in connection with this speculation and punish the culprits. Regarding the incomplete lists of administrative, especially among those responsible for the ten houses, she asked to complete them without delay and that they be sent to the commune.

As the Covid-19 pandemic is on the increase, Administrator Ntahomvukiye called on the people to continue to respect the barrier prevention measures as they have been set by the ministry in charge of health.