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Faith leaders are called on to serve as role models


Dec 14, 2021

BUJUMBURA December 14th (ABP) – The Speaker of the National Assembly Mr. Daniel Gélase Ndabirabe and the Prime Minister Mr. Alain Guillaume Bunyoni, their wives as well as the senior executives of those two institutions, shared the prayer with the Christians of the Rock Church of Bujumbura, on Sunday December 12, 2021. They are called for change.

In his preaching, Mr. Bunyoni taught based on the biblical passage, taken from Jeremiah chap18,7-8, which says that: ” [7] Whenever I say anything about uprooting a nation or a kingdom, and smashing it and sending destruction on it;

[8] If, in that very minute, that nation of which I was talking is turned away from its evil, my purpose of doing evil to them will be changed.”

Based on those scriptures, he indicated that Christians are in the hand of God as clay is in the hand of the potter. He added that God blesses Christians who keep the straight path.

Mr. Bunyoni also pointed out that Satan is never happy to see these divine blessings, he always acts to confuse Christians of their destination.

That person high in authority also recalled that the government gave the first place to God, hence he called on the leaders at all levels to change and serve as a model by renouncing hypocrisy, as this biblical passage by Matthew 23:13 says: “But a curse is on you, scribes and Pharisees, false ones! because you are shutting the kingdom of heaven against men: for you do not go in yourselves, and those who are going in, you keep back”.

The Prime Minister took the opportunity to invite Christians to do a self-assessment to see if they really are praying well and putting prayer into action.

In his message of greeting to Christians of that Church, the Speaker of the National Assembly of Burundi thanked the Prime Minister for such rich teachings which call on Christians to change.

He said those teachings come at a good time as Christians are preparing for the Christmas Day, asking them to accept that the Savior is born as a light in their hearts.