• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The current situation of IRAZ was on the agenda of the Cabinet meeting


Dec 1, 2021

BUJUMBURA November 30th (ABP) – The current situation of the Institute for Agronomic and Zootechnical Research (IRAZ) was analyzed during the Cabinet meeting held on Wednesday November 24, 2021 under the chairmanship of the Head of State, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye, at the Ntare Rushatsi House, according to the press release from the General Secretariat of the State.

According to a Note on the situation of the IRAZ presented by the Minister in charge of Agriculture, that Institute, created in 1978 by the Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries (CEPGL) which are Burundi, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of the Congo, has known for several years serious operational difficulties which have paralyzed almost all of its activities. That paralysis is mainly due to the civil wars which have not spared any of the three member countries, especially since 1993.

                                                                                                                  View of the government members

The headquarters being located on Burundian territory, the press release indicates that the country’s authorities currently feel called upon to try, as much as possible, to assume their responsibilities in order to redress the situation and to preserve the IRAZ’s heritage as well. that the many research achievements which the Institute had achieved before its dysfunction, without however violating the commitments of Burundi vis-à-vis other members.

The IRAZ heritage includes, among other things, a land rich in all crops of 350 ha untapped, a building with more than 50 offices which risks deteriorating if nothing is done. It also includes 13 residential villas illegally occupied by ex-employees of IRAZ without paying rent, an afforestation threatened by fires from neighbors who covet that land, unmaintained seed conservation laboratories, varieties of seeds preserved since several years that are likely to deteriorate and rich plantations of improved bananas of several varieties.

After discussion and debate on that file, the Cabinet recommended, among other things, to question the existing texts to find out who is currently empowered to convene a meeting of the general assembly, to take stock of the heritage in location and status, and communicate it to other members. The Cabinet also orders to see if there are no disadvantages to exploiting the land of the IRAZ, to adopt strategies for safeguarding the heritage of the IRAZ and to highlight the heritage which is likely to deteriorate. , including the genetic material, to inform the other member countries about the activities which are being carried out, to revive diplomatic contacts, to expel without delay those who illegally exploit the heritage of IRAZ, in particular the houses, and to bring back into the hands of the State the school which accommodated the children of the officials of the IRAZ.