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The CEM Mageyo works despite some challenges


Nov 23, 2021

BUJUMBURA November 22nd (ABP) – The vocational education centers (CEM) which should accommodate pupils who have failed the 9th fundamental work with difficulty, others do not work at all despite their beautiful infrastructure due to the lack of teachers, educational materials and students because there is little enthusiasm among the winners, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

However, despite some challenges, the Mageyo vocational education center in Mubimbi commune, Bujumbura province, operates and has students in the agro-pastoral and sewing sectors.

According to the director of this school, Mr. Gaspard Sindayikengera, the center opened its doors during the 2017-2018 school year with two sections namely agribusiness and sewing.

Today, he continued, he has 13 pupils in the agriculture and livestock section, while in the sewing section 41 students are regularly enrolled.

Among the challenges facing the school, there is a very small number of teachers, three in the agro-pastoral section, two in the sewing section and one temporary worker.

The lack of educational materials is also acute, especially inputs (seeds, fertilizers, needles, syringes, thermometers and others for demonstration in the agricultural section.

In sewing, machines are lacking as well as consumables (fabrics, sewing threads, needles and others), launched Mr. Sindayikengera.

Despite that, he rejoiced, the school is functioning, the town has endowed him with cows and has a few fields, and is trying to support this school as much as it can. He called on the laureates who failed the national competition to find their way in these centers to learn trades that will benefit them in the future.