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New technologies will be used to collect RGPHAE 2022 data


Nov 23, 2021

BUJUMBURA November 22nd (ABP) – The General Census of People, Housing, Agriculture and Livestock 2022 (RGPHAE2022) will bring innovations in agriculture and livestock. It will also use the digital method to facilitate data collection, said Friday, November 19, 2021 Mr. Pierre Claver Kayiro, head of the demographic studies and statistics department at the Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies of Burundi (ISTEEBU), during the solemn closing of the 10th month of Burundi Statistics.

Mr. Kayiro indicated that this census in preparation will bring innovations. For the first time, it will integrate the agriculture and livestock module, which will allow more in-depth surveys to be carried out on other activities.

According to the service manager for demographic studies and statistics at ISTEEBU, those new technologies will make it possible to obtain data within a short time, unlike the traditional method (use of papers). “The data will be transmitted directly from the field to the server”, he said, while mentioning the elimination of the input phase which, previously,

lasted more than 10 months. In addition, this digital method will give good quality results because the applications developed will allow control in order to avoid errors, said Mr. Kayiro.

Regarding the security of census data, he reassured that the transmission of data will be protected, as will the servers. Even a second server will be put in place as a means of securing, he said.

Note that this was said at the time when ISTEEBU, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, Budget and Economic Planning, solemnly closed the 10th month of Statistics in Burundi under the theme: “Modernize the data collection system. RGPHAE 2022 data to support socio-cultural development in Burundi