• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Senate President has participated in the TDC in Mugongomanga commune


Nov 5, 2021

BUJUMBURA November 3rd (ABP) – The Senate President, Mr. Emmanuel Sinzohagera, joined the people of Mugongomanga commune last Saturday in the community development works (TDC) which consisted of mixing concrete to pave the slab of the first level of the building that will house the communal office and the communal services offices located at Rutambiro village, Kankima zone, Mugongomanga commune, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

In her welcoming press, the communal administrator, Mrs. Consolatte Ndayisaba, indicated that the construction of that upstairs building is timely because the commune has a very small office and the administrator’s advisers do not have no office.

In his occasional speech, the Senate President thanked the people and said he was very delighted to see how much they responded massively to that work, but he lambasted the behavior of the intellectual natives of that town who do not participate in the TDC. The Mugongomanga commune is one of the communes of the country which have advanced people, and it is a great wealth, he stressed before specifying that in this commune, the hills will be developed by their nationals, the others will not will come only to give them a hand. He pointed out that it is a work of honor for which the Senate President has always called on the natives to do, but it is unfortunate to see that there are people who invest elsewhere without thinking of doing it at home, he lamented while stressing that some people have neither a house nor a decent place of comfort at home.

He called on the people in general and young people in particular to join cooperatives to work together, recalling that the government has just injected other 10 million BIF, and to make projects because the Investment Bank for young people (BIJE) gives loans and does not require a mortgage.

To the young girls, the Senate President asked to behave well, not to be cast by people who impregnate them and indicated that he would like to see them lead a good life in the days to come.

Regarding the fight against Covid-19, the Senate President called on the people of Mugongomanga to continue to observe the barrier measures and above all to no longer share the torches and even less to drink the local finger millet beer in the same bowl, a common practice in that commune.

In support of the construction of that communal office, he thanked the Presidency of the Republic who gave 300 bags of cement and reinforcing bars, and in his own name he promised 100 bags before asking the administrator to mobilize the natives of that commune working elsewhere so that they too contribute.