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The Ministry of Health intends to set up a cancer care center in Burundi in the future


Oct 7, 2021

BUJUMBURA October 6th (ABP) – The Ministry of Public Health and the Fight against AIDS organized on Monday, October 4, 2021 in Bujumbura, a meeting to assess the achievements of the Ministry for the fiscal year 2020-2021, at the location of ministry officials, doctors, directors of national, regional and district hospitals, hospital managers and other health workers.

In his speech, the Minister having Public Health in his attributions, Dr. Thaddée Ndikumana, indicated that his ministry had registered 21 concrete actions on the government program and that these actions were carried out at more than 98%.

He reported that the ministry for which he is responsible continued to implement the “Ndakira Sinandura kandi Sinanduza coronavirus” campaign which was launched by the President of the Republic of Burundi.

                                                                                   View of meeting participants

According to Minister Ndikumana, we have been able to control the pandemic by allowing the population to access screening but also the cases which are positive have obtained an effective treatment which tends to what currently we are below 5% of the rate. of positivity at the national level, which allows the population to continue to go about development activities.

Dr. Ndikumana said that the degree of supply to CAMEBU of quality essential drugs was also assessed.

The Minister in charge of Health indicated that this work was done with satisfaction and that we intend to decentralize the CAMEBU in the provinces of Gitega and Ngozi to allow the provinces of the center and the east to obtain supplies easily.

Regarding good governance, the Minister indicated that the computerization of the entire ministry and all health facilities has started to properly manage the revenues of hospitals and health centers. He also added the inspection of health facilities which was carried out throughout the country.

In the future, approximately 24 billion BIF has been planned to proceed with the extension of the various hospitals and health centers and that it is the OBUHA which will ensure the construction of the health infrastructures after having signed agreements with hospitals.

On the same occasion, he informed that for the medical equipment of those new infrastructures, it is the CAMEBU which will make them available.

For the year 2021-2022, the minister indicated that there is also the construction plan for the cancer care center in Burundi, explaining that it is a program that is being advanced with the partners of the EAC and WHO.

Along with that center, the Ministry of Health intends to procure vaccines against cervical cancer and vaccines against hepatitis B and C.

To fight against malaria, the minister indicated that we will distribute about 6 million mosquito nets impregnated with insecticides and indoor spraying in the districts where we see that there is an upsurge in malaria.

The Minister of Public Health mentioned that there will also be the recruitment on the hospitals’ own funds of contract staff but also, they have received funding to be able to recruit 210 health staff at the local level and that those are the provinces. in the east and south of the country, which are experiencing shortages of health personnel who will benefit from the greatest number of personnel to be recruited.