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The ONLCT calls for the establishment of a real national coordination allowing CSOs to work in symbiosis


Oct 5, 2021

BUJUMBURA October 5th (ABP) – The National Observatory for the Fight against Transnational Crime (ONLCT: “Where is your brother?”) Asks the government of Burundi, the European Union (EU) and other partners technical and financial resources of Burundi to allow Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to set up a real national coordination allowing them to work in symbiosis so that they can win the bet of the sustainable development of the country, at a time of Covid-19.

It was on the occasion of the inauguration of the open-air exhibition on the role and achievements of CSOs in Burundi, which took place Thursday, September 30 at Independence Square, in Bujumbura City.

At the same time, the leader and representative of the ONLCT, Mr. Prime Mbarubukeye, congratulated the EU, the Burundian government and all the other partners for the organization of such a grandiose event. He recounted the activities carried out by CSOs as well as their contribution to the efforts of responsible and hard-working government, going in the direction of the promotion and protection of human rights in general, prevention and the fight against trafficking and smuggling of human beings in particular.

That Observatory would like this event to be a privileged opportunity to restore the image of Burundian civil society tarnished by certain Burundian civil society associations which were involved in the unfortunate events of 2015 which brought mourning to Burundi, which thus engaged the responsibility of CSOs supposed to be neutral and impartial, and campaigning for the promotion of the rights of the most vulnerable social groups at all levels, without distinction, for sustainable and integral development, underlined Mr. Mbarubukeye. According to him, a Burundian civil society should be a peacemaker and actor of sustainable development, good governance, rule of law, democracy, justice and social cohesion.

ONLT: “Where’s your brother? »Also asks the Republic of Burundi, the EU and other partners to financially support the projects of CSOs in Burundi united within a national coordination platform in order to give it another institutional impetus allowing them to ” to be truly up to their noble task. Finally, he pleads for the establishment of a multi-party national commission bringing together members from sectoral ministries, in particular the ministry in charge of community development, that in charge of finance and the ministry of external relations and development cooperation, as well. as local NGOs and technical and financial partners from Burundi, which would be responsible for the coordination and regular monitoring of the equitable granting of grants to Burundian civil society organizations.

ONLCT president and legal representative: “Where is your brother? », One of the CSOs being the subject of the exhibition during the whole month of October, in place of independence, ended his remarks by condemning with all his energy the throwing of grenades in certain urban centers , especially in Gitega and Bujumbura, as well as in other localities of the country.

“Terrorism has never and will never be successful in this country as elsewhere in the world, because terrorism is against the will of God and the majority of Burundians,” he noted.