• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The sectors of education and health for all were on the GICOK menu


Oct 5, 2021

KAYANZA October 5th (ABP) – The Speaker of the National Assembly, Daniel Gélase Ndabirabe, participated Sunday, October 3, 2021, in an analysis meeting held in the town of Kayanza, for the analysis and adoption of the regulation internal order of the Kayanza Intercommunal Group (GICOK). The overall objective of that group is to promote sustainable and holistic community development in Burundi through access to education and health for all without setting aside the development of the tourism sector.

Among the priority projects of GICOK is the construction of a Higher Polytechnic Institute of Kayanza (ISPK) in Matongo commune, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

During that meeting which also saw the presence of the minister in charge of agriculture, livestock and the environment, Mr. Déo Guide Rurema and the governor of Kayanza, all natives of that province, the communal administrators and two members of the communal council from each of the nine communes of the said province who were present at the meeting analyzed and unanimously adopted the internal regulations of GICOK. The leader of the latter, Mrs. Janvière Kanyana, said that this group plans to carry out many development projects. She further indicated that special emphasis will be placed in the sector of education especially by building a higher polytechnic institute in Kayanza. The other priority of GICOK is the promotion of sustainable community development through access to health for all and the development of the tourism sector.

The Speaker of the National Assembly provided various advice to the general assembly of GICOK such as respect for the law in their achievements.

For the proper functioning of the said group, each commune in Kayanza province will pay an amount equivalent to 3% of the monthly tax revenue collected while any adult person will contribute 2,000 BIF.

For his part, the Burundian ombudsman, Edouard Nduwimana, praised the achievements recorded especially in the agricultural and educational fields. He took the opportunity to ask the people of Kayanza to establish the love of others. Among Kayanza’s priority projects is the completion of the construction of the three-store building that will house the Kayanza provincial office and other decentralized services.