• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The people of Nyakerera village are called upon to respond massively in the contour line works


Sep 8, 2021

CANKUZO September 7th (ABP) – The people of Nyakerera village in Cankuzo commune and province are called upon to participate massively whenever necessary in the work of digging false erosion control systems in order to increase agricultural production.

That message was delivered on Saturday, September 4, 2021 by the permanent executive secretary of the Cankuzo commune, Roger Gifunuguru, after the community development work (TDC) to trace those contour lines that the commune organized in that village.

Mr. Gifunuguru explained that the contour lines prevent rainwater from flowing directly into their swamps since most of those residents have bean and maize fields in this swamp.

On that occasion, the medical director of the sanitary province of Cankuzo, Dr. Gédéon Maniratunga, reminded them to protect themselves against the disease of Covid-19 by observing the barrier measures as written by the ministry having public health in its attributions.