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Presentation of the major achievements of the government according to the priority axes


Aug 24, 2021
The Burundi Prime Minister, Mr. Alain Guillaume Bunyoni

BUJUMBURA August 23rd (ABP) – The Burundi Prime Minister, Alain Guillaume Bunyoni proceeded, Thursday August 19, 2021, to the presentation of the major achievements of the government since the beginning of the legislature and according to the priority axes including the social protection of the vulnerable and youth employment, social and economic infrastructures, peace and national reconciliation.

The Prime Minister of the government of Burundi presenting the major achievements of the government

The head of government said that in the sector of social protection, the vulnerable and the employment of young people, 22,223 vulnerable patients, 31,661 households of disaster victims and 118 families who gave birth to triplets were assisted while 882 people living with disabilities received mobility devices. 1,180 street children have been reintegrated into their original families, 54 processing units have been authorized to set up and provided jobs for young people and 5,500 women have been empowered thanks to the economic empowerment project when 62,493 people benefited from cash transfers, including 56,993 under the “Merankabandi” social safety net support project.

To allow the needy access to health care, 6,000 elderly people have benefited from medical insurance cards. There was also the reintegration of 300 vulnerable women with 778 children and 2,000 households of internally displaced persons (IDPs) victims of floods and landslides.

For retirees, the Prime Minister specifies that they benefit from free health care. For the young people, they were recruited in the collection of communal revenues to replace those who only caused damage to the public treasury. He added that young people were also mobilized for the development of good eligible projects, to be financed by their bank.

On the social and economic infrastructure side, the government has set about revitalizing growth-promoting sectors in the development of road, social and mining infrastructure. There was also construction of the hydroelectric dams of Rusumo falls, Ruzibazi, Jiji-Murembwe and road infrastructures including the RN16 and the RN 5.

In terms of peace and national reconciliation, there has been a revitalization of joint human security committees, organization of sports meetings between young people affiliated to different political parties and bringing justice closer to litigants by putting in place a law restoring the council of notable villages “Intahe yo ku Mugina”.