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The First lady and legal representative of FBA “Umugiraneza” has received donations from the CNDD-FDD women’s league


Aug 13, 2021

GITEGA August 13th (ABP) – The First Lady of Burundi, Mrs. Angéline Ndayishimiye, received on Tuesday August 11, 2021, on behalf of the Good Action Foundation (FBA) “Umugiraneza” of which she is the legal representative, an envelope of 50,459 .750 BIF and aid consisting of food and clothing, from the women’s league of the CNDD-FDD party.

The ceremonies took place in the premises of the Obstetric Fistula Treatment Center (CTFO) located in Gitega commune and province (central Burundi). They saw the participation of the national secretary in charge of the leagues affiliated with the CNDD-FDD party, Mr. Sylvestre Ndayizeye, executives of the said league, provincial secretaries of the same party and women of the same part of the urban center of Gitega and its outskirts. Those ceremonies began with the distribution of the aids in question to the women housed at the CTFO.

                            The Minister of Public Service, Labor and Employment, Mrs. Domine Banyankimbona

In his speech, Mr. Ndayizeye said that the means collected by the women’s league and given to the FBA “Umugiraneza” constitute a gesture of recognition and encouragement to the first lady for her gift of self-materializing in works charities for people in vulnerable situations.

“It is a contribution to the smooth running of the activities that you carry out at CTFO,” said Mr. Ndayizeye, addressing the First Lady, before praising her dedication shown by the influence of the party. He wished her every success in her projects, while telling her that the women’s league will spare no effort to stay by her side.

Similar words were heard in the songs of folk dancers and drummers who came to liven up the festivities.

The First Lady, in turn, warmly thanked the CNDD-FDD party, via its women’s league, for the contributions given to its foundation. She brushed off the accomplishments that FBA “Umugiraneza” made at CTFO. She spoke, in particular, of 135 women who have recovered their health thanks to the active involvement of her foundation, from August 2020 to the present day and the extension of the CTFO with a cost of 664,774,393 BIF. Construction will be completed at the end of the current month, she said.

As a thank you to the engineer who directs the extension work of the CTFO, Mrs. Ndayishimiye gave him a gift.

Convinced that obstetric fistulas result from early pregnancies, non-prenatal consultation and deliveries outside health facilities, the first lady gave advice to remedy it. She ended her remarks by expressing a wish for national solidarity towards poor families and marginalized social groups.

Note that the CTFO has to its credit 3,175 women who have benefited from care since its creation in 2010.