• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Officials are called on to join forces with others to form associations, according to Gratien Karangwa


Jul 13, 2021

BUJUMBURA July 13th (ABP) – The teacher of the secondary technical school (ETS) of Bujumbura, Mr. Gratien Karangwa, who practices the livestock of chickens in front of that school, indicated on Friday July 9, 2021 during an interview he gave to a check by ABP that raising chickens produces eggs and chicken meat for the daily consumption of the people of Burundi.

To that end, he indicated that he started in 2019 with 150 hens. He claimed that today he has over 2,000 chicks, 280 hens and 600 roosters.

The chickens cannot live on the balcony, reason why he built the henhouse to protect them from the cold and rain. He looked for sufficient equipment and hired a veterinarian who follows his hens regularly twice a week.

On that occasion, he announced that the hen lays eggs from the age of 6 months; the good laying hen will produce on average 1 egg each day. He said he collects 120 eggs a day and he hired young people to feed his chickens.

Mr. Karangwa took that opportunity to encourage young entrepreneurs to create their jobs for self-development, and also sensitized other civil servants especially teachers to join forces with others in associations or cooperatives, because, he added, they have sufficient time after work.

He asked the government of Burundi to encourage officials who manage to found associations and give them loans that they will repay afterwards.