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People need good brushing techniques to prevent tooth decay, a dentist says


Jul 13, 2021

BUJUMBURA July 13th (ABP) – Dr Laurent Ciza, the dentist of Tanganyika care polyclinic located at Kinanira 5 in Bujumbura City Council, showed during an interview he gave to a check by ABP, how people can prevent tooth disease by adopting good brushing techniques.

During that interview, Dr Ciza first recalled that in the mouth we have teeth and other tissues. He said that at the level of teeth, the most common disease that can be found in Burundi and even in the world is dental caries. He took that opportunity to explain that the latter is caused by bacteria that take the food we have eaten, especially sugars, to transform them into acid that will weaken the tissue of the tooth.

According to that dentist, there are other diseases of the periodontium (tissues that support the tooth) that are also prevalent in the oral cavity. He also reported that there are patients who have other mucosal pathologies, jaw diseases including cysts and cancers, cancer of the tongue and diseases of the salivary glands.

As a means of preventing those diseases, that health professional recommended that people adopt proper brushing techniques to achieve sufficient hygiene to properly maintain teeth. He said that we must brush three times a day, that is to say, in the morning, at noon after the meal, in the evening before sleeping. Dr Ciza insisted on using a soft toothbrush instead of a hard toothbrush so as not to damage the teeth. He suggested a less vigorous brushing that lasts an average of 2 to 3 minutes. The toothbrush is personal and it is forbidden to share it with the family. It must be changed after 2 to 3 months, and if it wears out after 2 weeks, there is no reason to keep it, it must be thrown away.

For children, that expert suggested that they should be brushed as soon as the first teeth appear at 6 months and older with very little toothpaste equivalent to a pea seed with a small toothbrush and be careful so that the child does not swallow the toothpaste.

Another means of prevention against dental diseases that dentist Ciza suggested is to consume sugars at regular intervals and at mealtimes, and brushing afterwards. He also pointed out that tobacco consumption should be avoided; explaining that it can leave stains on the teeth, also adding that it can promote periodontal disease, cancer of the mouth.

For people who have naturally fragile teeth, he invited them to consult the dentist in time to tell him/her how susceptible s/he is to catching other diseases. It is the same for other people who feel something wrong with their teeth. He invited them to have the culture to seek care. For Tanganyika care polyclinic where he provides care, he reported the presence of a standard office equipped with dental scanners and other devices that can detect dental pathologies.