• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Multisectoral experts have participated in a retreat to design the collection tools for the 2022 general population, housing, agriculture and livestock census


Jul 7, 2021

GITEGA July 7th (ABP) – The multisectoral experts chosen from the state institutions concerned primarily with the general population, housing, agriculture and livestock census (RGPHAE) scheduled for 2022 in Burundi have met we met this Monday, July 5 at Gitega in a workshop-retreat to design and validate the various technical tools for collecting data from the pilot census planned for next August and the general census of 2022.

The objective of that retreat from July 5 to 17, 2021 is to finalize the design of the data collection tools for these two censuses which follow the general population and housing census of 2008, indicated the director general of the Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies in Burundi (ISTEEBU), Mr. Nicolas Ndayishimiye, during his interview with the media.

As for the State of play of preparations for the RGPHAE of 2022, the DG of ISTEEBU indicated that the experts involved in this process have already completed the development of the methodological documents. They are currently occupied with the procedures for designing the collection tools and validating the technical tools for collecting data from the said census.

Speaker explains techniques for designing census data collection tools

That step will be followed by sensitizing the administrative authorities and the population of the pilot provinces on their effective participation in the conduct of the pilot census, he said.

He then reported that this census, which would have taken place in 2018 according to the recommendations of the United Nations, was postponed in 2022 at the request of member countries of the East African Community who wanted to harmonize their statistics.

Regarding the state of mobilization of financial resources for the organization of the general census of the population, housing, agriculture and livestock, the ISTEEBU director general said that for the 2021-2022 State Budget, they have already voted an amount of two billion (2,000,000,000 BIF) registered for the RGPHAE. He specified that the estimated cost of that RGPHAE is forty-eight billion (48,000,000,000 BIF) which will cover all the operations of the census.

Other funds are yet to be mobilized, particularly from technical and financial partners as well as friends of Burundi, Mr. Ndayishimiye said.