• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

People living with HIV / AIDS are called on to participate in the development works


Jul 6, 2021

RUMONGE July 6th (ABP) – The Coalition of Persons Associations Living with HIV / AIDS (CAPES +) organized Friday 2 July, in the provinces Rumonge (southwestern Burundi), the third regional workshop on a strong involvement of PVVIH (people living with HIV / AIDS) in HIV grant management.

That workshop, which has seen the participation of networkers of the associations of people living with HIV / AIDS from the South Region, was an opportunity to see together the strategies to stop to avoid the spread of HIV / AIDS.

In his presentation, Dr. Aimé Ndayizeye, Director of the National AIDS Program at the Ministry of Public Health and the AIDS control reported that HIV-positive people recognized by the Ministry of AIDS are at a rate of 88% / though, there is a rate of 12% representing people with HIV / AIDS without the knowledge.

According to Dr. Ndayizeye, the causes of the latter case are negligence to screen and the case of children who are contaminated during delivery because, he said, some mothers still neglect to do the prenatal consultation.

Mr. Hamza Coming Burikukiye, Legal Representative of Cape +, asked Association Networks, and especially HIV positive people, to contribute to awareness of the importance of screening in the people. He invited them to follow the advice of doctors to participate actively in the development of their families and their motherland.